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I am by no means a perfect role model, I am by no means close to a perfect person but I do try every day to be better than yesterday or at least learn from yesterday.

In writing this I invoke my freedom of speech. I will be scrutinised, I will be criticised, I will be ridiculed, most likely attacked and possibly silenced.

My primary motivation is developing awareness and thought provocation.

The death of democracy.

The design of modern day politics is causing increased pressure on our existence globally, we are politically divided, almost half and half and more than ever we are distracted, more than ever we are losing our way.

Our choice of political leadership does not make any significant difference anymore.

Democracy is supposed to be a majority ruling, but the majority these days only means a handful of votes or underhanded power negotiations of which we did not vote for.
The faceless removal of a figurehead voted for by the public, means your vote didn’t count for that person anyway and you are told that you voted for the party not the person, more distraction.
Balance of power and power deals are terms we rarely heard before but have started to become common place twisted verbs of word smiths and spin doctors as they mount the horse, and jockey for self-preservation, political longevity and personal gain.

Once the best effort decisions are brought to parliament with such a minimal difference between parties’ ideals, unique convictions and lack of united party with strong leadership, in addition to the fighting and opposition for oppositions sake, all for political gain and an ego stroke, the entire show of politics becomes both fruitless and time wasting.

“No” is the response to everything, I was raised believing no is a negative. In the meantime, our taxes are paying the salaries of these professional fighters probably likeable to the playground bully but magnificently worse because they are supposed to be adults and advocates for their communities and all the while we are forgotten in this distraction and bundled into our minority stereotypes, spat around a large expensive room like venom from a cobra with ill intention and a chest beating bravado about who is wrong and who is right and which minority is more important than another.

Wait a minute, we ARE the majority. We are 7 billion citizens of planet earth and we are very quickly having our power removed, if it is not completely pilfered already.

The real issue is that the taxes are drying up because casual labour is on the increase, unemployment is on the rise and hence the creativity is being starved, again by design.
We are where they want us, in financial pain. We are being fed regurgitated piles of cleverly worded emptiness and mathematical garble enough to keep us dulled down over the real issues.

What is unrealised, is our power.

With the self-employed global citizens on the increase and more small and medium business owners as well as home owners, we are feeding the machine that is the power supply of the world, a thing called tax.

There is still GST and VAT and many other taxes that you can’t control paying. You can however control paying income tax, business tax, superannuation, pension and health benefits and home owners pay many other taxes such as levies and infrastructure supply.

Hypothetically, I am curious just how long the system would sustain if we just held back these little bits of money each day, week, month, year, decade etc. But we would never do that collectively because we are too scared and we are the majority? Government, big business and the financial giants would never let us do this because it would cripple them instantly at the base of the economy. They would use every reserved drop of funding (our own money) to come at us, setting examples with their tools of fear based control. It doesn’t matter because this would never happen anyway.

There is another thing that would have a much farther reaching and devastating colossal impact on the system, I don’t want to use the word ‘strike” because it is so aggressive and negative in my opinion but I think you know where I am heading. Let me choose another term “global vacation”. 

Imagine hypothetically once again, that we, the 7 billion global citizens of Earth, our beautifully cruel and amazingly complicated planet, all went on a collective holiday in our current location, by foot to give everyone a chance to join in on this localised global walking vacation. Now imagine doing that for a day, week, month, year or decade etc. the impact on the system would have to send it into complete disarray and mayhem. This would also never happen because of our fear and inability to act collectively and because our power has been removed, besides there would have to be some law that stops us from doing such a drastic thing and that scares us too much.

99 vs 1.

I am sure that you are aware that 1% of the population has most of the worlds wealth and money means control, power, greed and so on.

Apparently, this is fast becoming the single biggest issue of our modern world. The politicians and media are and have been for a while, throwing words and terms around like: “haves, have not’s and have a lot’s”, tension, riots, anger, frustration, inequity, the great divide etc. and maybe my understanding of the issue is a little vague through the intentional blurring, over dramatising and blending of the issue, hence I am not all that creative with my descriptions on this topic. However, if that is the new distraction in the world then what else are we missing? I have stated that we are all one group of 7 billion global citizens and if the “99%’ers versus 1%’ers” does present a real threat to our existence then the 1%’ers are in trouble because the 99%ers are the global majority, I think you can see where this goes once the 99%’ers realise their true potential. I like another picture where the 1%’ers consider we are 100%’ers and realise their potential.

I like people, I believe in people, I would love nothing more than having the time to meet all 7 billion global citizens, hypothetically I could, if I met 11 people a second for 20 years, but I digress. The one thing all 7 billion of us global citizens share and has been drummed deep into our conscious thought, the heartbeat of the blood running in our veins is death and taxes, apparently, we owe this life both, I don’t agree entirely but we do owe a death in the end.

Don’t feel powerless, despondent, drained, tired, sick, worthless or disappointed. Communicate, praise, encourage, change, empower, believe, embrace and thrive as a global citizen of 7 billion with a vast amount of stored power ready to unleash when our true potential needs to be realised.


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